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Site Update Blog

The Free Bible Study Lessons Site Update Blog keeps you up to date with all new articles and reader comments.

God's Word To You Promo 2

What Is Revelation About?

Happy Man Reading Bible

What is revelation about? It's shocking secret will be laid bare before you. You will never read this Book the same way again!

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Courage Under Siege


When there are no good choices, Godly courage makes the right choice often at great risk. Consider Rahab's story.

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Who Is God?

Jesus with the Universe

A quick look at some basic Biblical facts about God that every Christian should know and believe.

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What Is A Biblical Worldview?

World coming of Bible

A Biblical worldview conforms its beliefs and actions to the Truth of God's Word. It looks at the world through the lens of the Bible.

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Understanding The Key Verse Of Revelation

Jesus with the Universe

One word can change your understanding of the Book of Revelation. This word is in the key verse of Revelation and 68 other places.

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The Real Terror Of Sodom

Blind men in doorway

Sodom stands in infamy, but the real terror of Sodom is hidden below the surface. It stands as a warning to all Christians.

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God's Kill Count

Soldier Looking Through Barbwire Fence

What is God's kill count? How many people is God recorded as killing in the Bible and why did He do it. How do we reconcile the love of God in the New Testament with the violence of God in the Old Testament?

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Why Do Jews Not Believe Jesus Is The Messiah?

Jesus And The Pharisees

Jesus was a Jew, yet most Jews then and now reject Him. Why do Jews not believe Jesus is the Messiah? The answer may surprise you.

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The Earth Will Be Filled With The Knowledge Of God

Blind-folded man

Defeatism is a modern Christian error. Habakkuk declares that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God.

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You Are The Light Of The World

This an examination of seven aspects of being light in the world for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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