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Glenn Davis

Note to Joshua Institute Students: You were re-directed to Free Bible Study Lessons as this is where most of the information about me is located.  Plus, you can surf this site to get an idea of what I believe and teach before committing to a course[s].

[See Letter Of Recommendation by Dr. Timothy Osiowy below.]

Joshua Institute, Free Bible Study Lessons, The Joshua Club and the El Empire are owned and operated by Glenn Davis, who has written the vast majority of material on these sites.  But who is Glenn Davis?

My father and mother are Canadians from Ontario.  At a young age they received a call from God to “go south.”  They ended up in Augusta, Georgia pastoring a small church.  This is where I was born.  When I was about one year old, my family left for Kenya, East Africa.  It was there that I spent the next ten years of my childhood.  In the middle of their ten year mission trip, my family had a furlough.  While my father, mother and little brother travelled for a year around the United States [mostly southern], I stayed with my grandparents and attended First Grade.  It was to be the only year I ever attended a public school.  Back in Kenya I spend grades 4 and 5 at a boarding school, Rosslyn Academy, just outside of Nairobi, Kenya.  [It was at Rosslyn that I first became acquainted with two of my favourite authors: C.S. Lewis and Enid Blyton.]  The rest of my education was by home schooling.

Woman Praising God

When my family returned from Kenya for the final time, we spent about two years travelling around the United States and Canada, with my father speaking at various churches to support us.  [I came to dislike going to Sunday School as I was always the new kid.]  We lived in a 35’ trailer which dad towed behind a pickup with a camper on it.  During this time, I also accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.  

On our way to a meeting in the northern community of Prince George, B.C., my father lost control of our vehicle and we ended up in the ditch.  The trailer was destroyed.  The camper in which my younger brother and I were riding was demolished as the truck rolled over it.  The mattress on which we often lay was pinned under the trailer.  Miraculously the worst injury anyone had was 3 stitches in my ear.

But we were now stranded in a community in which we had never been before and knew no one.  The only contact was Pastor Tim Osiowy where a meeting had been scheduled, but whom we had never met.  Pastor Tim and his wife Sandra graciously allowed these “strangers” to live with them for several months.  They became live-long family friends.

My father answered a call to start a church in a community called Mackenzie about a two hour drive further north than Prince George. [From the equator to northern B.C.!]  It was there I was to spend my teenage years and my twenties.  It was in this community that I was filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  I took many Bible courses at our local church and began to do some teaching there.  For awhile I was travelling once a month to Hudson Hope [about a 3 hour drive one way] to teach in the Sunday morning service of a local church.  

At the age of sixteen I began writing my science fiction story, Star Action.  Later I would write short pamphlets on Biblical subjects [like Is Jesus Jehovah?] which would eventually become the beginnings of my website: Free Bible Study Lessons.

Glenn and Diane Davis

I met my future wife went I was 30.  We began as pen pals and then met in “real life.”  She had a 3 year old daughter, Joy, from a previous marriage.  After about a year of dating, we married and not long after I was able to adopt Joy.  She is my oldest daughter and was followed by another daughter, Ruth, and a son, Micah.  [I now have three grandchildren, too!]

In Mackenzie I had begun my working career by bagging groceries at a grocery store which was part of a small chain of stores [5 - 6- stores] in northern B.C.  Over the years I worked my way up to being the manager.  When a disagreement with the owner earned me a demotion to assistant manager, I began looking for a new opportunity.  It was not long in coming.  I moved my family to Prince George where I had gotten a job as the Produce Manger for a large grocery store chain.

Since we now lived in Prince George, we attended the church pastored by Rev. Tim Osiowy.  Again, I took many Bible courses through the church.  Later I taught many Bible courses and eventually, with a small team, was in charge of the Bible training program.  The training program offered 5 - 6 courses at a time giving members a selection to choose from.  Each course ran for about 10 weeks.  Each semester core courses [like Fundamentals In The Faith written by Rev. Osiowy] were retaught and new courses were added for variety.

After 18 years in Prince George, I obtained a transfer south to Vernon, B.C. so we could be near my mother-in-law who, following a stroke, was in full time care.  Six months after our move she passed away, but we were grateful for the time we had had with her.

Glenn Davis

In Vernon we attend a local church while at the same time assisting Pastors Tim and Sandra as they develop a ministry in Richmond, B.C. and do international travels.  The Vernon church is the first church I have ever attended where I did not have some previous connection with people in leadership.  It has been a new experience.

While I have never attended an independent Bible School or had formal training, I have been around the church and received much training at the local level.  I have done personal Bible studies and read many Christian teaching books.  I have written about 600 articles, 200 newsletters and several e-mail courses.  I no longer do any teaching “in person” but spend my “spare” time in study and writing.  

I do not expect readers of my website to accept everything they read, but to have the Biblical integrity to check things out with Scripture in context.  Some articles will present new ideas, but sincere Christians will question preconceived ideas and measure all things by the standard of the Word of God.  I look forward to reading the comments on the bottom of each page of those who agree or disagree.  We never find our own blind spots if all we ever do is read what we agree with.

My Testimony

Letter Of Recommendation

For you who have discovered the teachings and free studies prepared by Glenn Davis...

It gives me great pleasure to commend Glenn and his diligent work in “rightly dividing the Word of truth “ in a day when there seems to be a dearth of solid contextual relative biblical teaching in some places in our world.

I have known Glenn since his young years and have seen his long term devotion to the scriptures. For a number of years he and his wife administered our “College In The Word” local church bible training which over the years engaged over 2000 students.

If you converse with Glenn you will find him to be a James 3:13; 17-18 kind of person who seeks and lives by “the wisdom that is from above”.

Our prayer is that you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ as you “study to show yourself approved of God”.


Dr Timothy Osiowy

Founder and CEO of Christian Ministry Training Center and Gateway Ministries International

By my wife:

By my mother:

You can also follow Free Bible Study Lessons on Facebook, Pinterest and check out my fictional stories on Amazon.  My wife has written a book on her experiences [before we met] as a missionary teacher in Kenya, East Africa.  She was there teaching in a local school for about two years.

God bless,

Glenn Davis

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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