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[If you purchase anything on this site, I may make a commission. Disclosure Policy]

Disclosure Policy 
For Free Bible Study Lessons

It is always my goal to operate with honesty and integrity at Free Bible Study Lessons.  I have no desire to misrepresent myself, my qualifications or how I earn money.  With that in mind, I have written this disclosure statement, although much of it had been covered on the About Glenn page and elsewhere.  I am trying to be as plain and forthright as possible.

Woman Praising God


My name is Glenn Davis.  I am married with three adult children [all of which love the Lord] and a growing number of grandchildren.  I live in Canada and have since I was 12 years of age.  Before that I was a MK [Missionary Kid] growing up in Kenya, East Africa.

My Qualifications

I was raised in a Christian home and my father, currently retired, has been a missionary, a pastor, a Christian School principal, founder of an African Bible School, director of a local church Bible School program in Canada, and a writer of Bible courses [many of which appear in our Email course section].  

Because of the Godly home in which I was raised, I have been around the Bible and Bible teaching all my life.  I have, of course, done my own studies.  In my years I have been a Supervisor in a ACE Christian school, a Bible teacher in my local church, a deacon and, for a time, in charge of a local in-church Bible School program.  Currently I hold no position of leadership in the local church I attend.

To be clear, I have never attended a formal Bible School and I am not now nor have I ever been an ordained minister.  Occasionally I receive emails addressing me as “pastor.”  This is an honorary title and in no way reflects any past or current position or responsibility.  It is my hope that readers will check out what I have written with Scripture and without prejudice to my qualifications or lack thereof.

Unless another author is credited, I have personally written all the articles on Free Bible Study Lessons.  I began writing these articles over 35 years ago and I continue on.  

How I Make Money

My primary goal on this website is to please my Love and Lord and educate and inspire His people in the Word of God and its applications.  Many of the things I write are “standard” Christianity, but may be new to inexperienced believers.  Other things are controversial, but hopefully will challenge Christians to take a new look at some beliefs they may have approached with preconceived ideas.  Everything on this site - although it may not be popular beliefs today - is within orthodox Christianity.

In certain places on the website you will find links to products or services.  I recommend these because I believe they will be helpful to many people or further their research on certain topics.  In the case of books, I have either read these books myself or read other books by the same author and trust him or her.  In the case of other products or services, I have either used them or know trusted people who have and believe them to be of the finest quality.   [Note: We make no commissions if you donate to another charity organization through a donation link on our site.]

The exception to this is the Google Ads which run on this site.  While I try to eliminate inappropriate ads it is not possible to examine them all or know which ads are shown to which people.  Obviously Google does not want to harm its reputation with poor products; however, I have little knowledge or control over these products or services and you purchase at your own risk.  

If you click on a link to a product or service and choose to buy it, I will earn a small commission.  This does not cost you any more.  In some cases, a company may place a “cookie” so that if you make a purchase [the same or different product] at the company within a specific time period [can vary from company to company] I will still earn a commission.  You may check out our privacy policy here for more details.  

Rest assured that none of the ads, from any source, influence the content I write for this site.  


All articles and courses I provide on this site are free.  That being said, it does cost money to maintain the website, autoresponders, etc. plus the investment of my own time.  I do accept donations from willing people who would like to help as long as it does not take away from their tithing to their local church. 

Free Bible Study Lessons is not a registered charity and so no tax receipts can be give.  Your gift is truly a gift.

Again, we receive no commissions for any donations made to other charities through links on our site.

Companies We Use

We use Solo Build It for our website platform and Power Lead System for our autoresponders.  Both companies are top quality. They both have affiliate programs.  If you join either [or both] of these through a link on this site to enhance or grow your own business I will earn an ongoing commission. If you are in - or want to be in - business of any kind, online or offline, I highly recommend you consider these companies.  In my opinion, you will not find better companies or better value for the price.  You can check out what I have written about them here.

If you have any questions you may contact me via the contact button.

God bless,


Sign up for our free monthly newsletter or take one of our free Bible Study courses.

Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

Solo Build It!

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