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Who Is Jesus

This page sponsored in loving memory of Mrs. Mary-Etta Freeman.

Who is Jesus? We live in a world - even in Canada, the United States and other Western countries - where a growing number of people do not have a clue who Jesus Christ is. Their only acquaintance with Him is as a word to say when they are upset. And they never stop to think why they use the name of Jesus like that and not the name of some other religious figure.

Woman Praising God
King Jesus Holding Child

Even many people claiming to be Christians ask: Who is Jesus really?  Many don't know where He was born, the time in which He lived, why He had to die on the cross or other essential facts. Many young people who consider themselves Christians show through their beliefs and actions that they have no idea what true Christianity is all about. And, most often, it is not their fault. They have not seen true Christianity modelled by adults. Jesus has become a side Figure in a "Christian" lifestyle.

People of all ages, especially teenagers and young adults, need something to be passionate about. It has been said, "Until you have something to die for, you have nothing to live for." In many ways, this is true, and it expresses itself in various attitudes and actions. Some become hopeless and settle for boredom or commit suicide. Others passionately give their lives to causes they believe in. Many times, these causes are destructive not only to themselves but also to society. Yet, they think they are standing for good, and they are finding a measure of self-fulfillment in it.

They have lost - or never had - the answer to the central question of human existence: Who is Jesus to me?  Many churches today promote half-truths or outright lies, which turn off people seeking the Truth. If you read the Gospels [Matthew, Mark, Luke and John], you will notice that Jesus never made it easy for people to follow Him. [He never turned anyone away, either.] He never compromised or made false promises. He was to be Saviour and Lord. Period. He was truthful about the suffering that would follow His disciples. And He led the way. He was also blunt about the consequences of not accepting Him as Lord and Saviour. Most people hate Christianity not because they don't understand what Jesus taught...but because they do understand it!

"Many preachers preach to be popular, instead of preaching to change lives. Their sermons are 95 percent their own thoughts and 5 percent God's truth. And the average church member cannot tell the difference because he or she is Biblically illiterate!" Anne Graham Lotz in Just Give Me Jesus

Introducing Jesus

Who is Jesus?  Learn the Truth about His life and message to change your life.

Jesus is actually the Center of the universe. Without Him, nothing would exist. Even though it is a blow to human pride, everything was made for Jesus Christ and only finds its proper meaning in relation to Him. [Everything on this site relates to Jesus in one way or another.]

For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him [Jesus] and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment.  Col. 1:16-17, The Message

The only hope for the world is to rediscover Who Is Jesus. I might add, that that is also the only hope of the church. Remember, Rev. 3:20?

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me. [NIV]

This was written to the church, not the ungodly! Jesus was having a hard time getting into the church - I am sure He sympathizes with a lot of new Christians who have a hard time getting into the church, too.

Discovering Jesus is not about theology, although that is important. We can learn all about Jesus, but life only happens when we know Jesus for ourselves. It must be a growing, intimate personal relationship, or it is only dead facts.

In the following articles, I would like to present to you a little bit of "who is Jesus," but I know it is meaningless unless you have met Jesus for yourself. Introduction To Life and Reality Check are good places to start if you have never met Jesus before. Otherwise,  enjoy the articles below, but in the end, do not ask how much you know about Jesus; ask how well you know Him. Ultimately, you must answer for yourself, Who is Jesus? Your answer will chart the course of your life.

Who Is Jesus?

Jesus Is God

Jesus is God. Those three little words - 10 letters - can stir the deepest emotions of love or hatred. Some men curse those words, and others have died for them.

Jesus Is Man

Some cults try to say that Jesus only looked like a man or took on a human appearance. This is not possible. Jesus had to be a real man, or salvation could not happen.

Jesus Is Savior

Why do we need a Savior? Life often seems to move along naturally. We live, we work, we play, we die. Hopefully, we have a reasonably happy life; what is the purpose or need of a saviour? The answer to that lies in the nature of God and of reality.

Jesus Is Lord

Jesus is Lord is the primary confession of the Christian church. Countless people have been martyred over the last 2,000 years for refusing to compromise this confession.

Why Is Jesus The Only Way To God?

Some people claim there are many ways to God.  Are Christians arrogant for saying Jesus is the only way to God?

Jesus Is Glorious

Jesus is glorious - full of glory. Glory is one of those wonderful words that we "know" what it means, but it is hard to define. Soldiers sometimes fight and die for the "glory" of their country...

Jesus, Prince Of Peace

Although the term, Prince of peace, is only used once in Scripture, it is at the core of the mission of Jesus to planet Earth. But why is Jesus given this title? What kind of peace does He bring?

The Divine Lover

First, Christ loves His bride/church. He died to redeem her to Himself. He delights in her as a Lover enraptured with love. It is an intense love, yet He is the perfect gentleman...

What Moved Jesus To Action?

What two factors moved Jesus to action? Sometimes, we picture Jesus as rushing to meet everyone’s needs and solving all their problems. A careful reading of the Gospels shows that was not so...

Was The Virgin Birth Necessary?

Jesus did not do anything simply for sensationalism. Especially at the beginning of His ministry, when most people would seek the most attention, Jesus often instructed people not to talk about what He had done for them. So why does God make such a big issue out of the virgin birth?

The Perfect Faith Of Jesus

As an actual human being, Jesus operated in perfect faith without once drawing on His Divine Nature.

The Sufferings Of Christ

Why were the sufferings of Christ necessary?  The lambs in the Old Testament - which pictured Christ - died quickly and humanely.  Jesus did not...

Does God Experience Suffering?

We know that Jesus, as He walked the earth, felt all the pain that we do, but what about God the Father? Does He know pain and anguish? When we cry out to God in pain, does He merely understand intellectually what we are going through, or is there an emotional connection?

Are the Written In Red Words Of Jesus More Important Than Other Scriptures?

In some Bibles, the words of Jesus are written in red. Some Christians feel these red letters are more important than the rest of Scripture. After all, these are the actual words of Jesus; they must be more important. Is this view correct?

Afraid Of Jesus

A group of people in the Bible were terrified of Jesus.  Who were they, and why were they afraid?

Life Is In The Blood

If a person or animal loses too much blood, they die, but the Bible looks at it more from the perspective of life.  To lose blood is to give life.  This is the idea behind "blood brothers" and blood sacrifices.


Moved With Compassion

When you read in Scripture that Jesus was moved with compassion, it was a deeply heartfelt emotion that led to action.  It was a horror that satan had deceived people, kept them in sickness, or possessed them.  

Words Of Christ Cleanse Us

Do the words of Jesus automatically make us clean? Yes and no. They can be an instant bath if we are in the right position. If we are in the wrong position, they bounce off us without effect.

The Mission Of God For Jesus And Us

We must remember that this life is an investment in our eternal life. Or, to put it another way, this life is the seed we plant, and after death, we see what kind of plant it will blossom into.

Did Jesus Disrespect His Mother?

How Jesus answered His mother at the feast of Cana sounds strange and harsh to our ears.  What did He mean?

What Did Jesus Look Like?

Have you ever wondered about the appearance of Jesus?  How accurate are the paintings and movies we see?

Where Is Jesus Now?

Is Jesus in Heaven, or does He live in our hearts or...?

Why Do The Jews Not Believe In Jesus As The Messiah?

A quick at the four main reasons Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah.

Jesus Is The Faithful Witness

The fact that Jesus is the Faithful Witness is more complex than it might seem at first.

The Names Of God

Poems About God

Of course, only the Word of God gives us a complete, accurate knowledge of God, but poems about God can motivate and inspire us.

What Is Jesus Like? - Video

The Beauty Of The Lord - Video

Jesus' Crazy Questions

Do You Want To Get Well?

Why Are You Crying?

Who Touched Me?

Why Are You Afraid?

What Things?

Temptations Of Christ


Man Shall Not Live On Bread Alone

Testing God


Jesus Better Than...

Who Is Jesus Quotes

Magnificent Obsession - Anne Graham Lotz

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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