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The Joshua Institute
Of Biblical Training For Purpose

For there is nothing that we should enjoy - I use the term advisedly - so much as looking at Him [Jesus].  There is no value in all other teaching if we are not right about Him.  Essentially the vital point of all teaching, of theology, and of the whole Bible is to bring us to a knowledge of Him and into relationship with Him.  D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The Joshua Institute of Biblical Training is designed for the busy person who hungers for the Word of God.

- Self-Study

- No Time Pressure 

- Unique Courses

- Solid Biblical Instruction

- Answers By Email For Questions Or Comments

- All Courses Are Donation Only [Some require a textbook]

Courses that have a 'clickable' link are currently available.  

God's Word To You Promo 2

According to the Bible, you must judge all teaching by the inspired Word of God. Telling God you were following recognized religious leaders will not be an acceptable excuse in the Day of Judgment...We must strengthen our knowledge of the Word of God so we cannot be led astray by doctrines that look like they are from God, but lack a biblical foundation. Finally, may God deliver us from blind dedication to what seemingly good men and women teach. The Word of God is our measuring rod, not the popularity of men. Rev. Judson Cornwall

Joshua Institute Courses

Click here for an explanation of the Colour Codes and the differences between courses.

It is recommended that the Student complete the Feed Yourself Course first, as many of the course assignments require a knowledge of its principles.

Required textbooks may be purchased here.  You may also be interested in free email courses on Free Bible Study Lessons.

Crown Rights Of King Jesus

The prerequisite for courses in this section is the completion of the Master Life course.

Biblical Law

Presuppositions And World Views

Biblical Law I

Biblical Law II

Biblical Law III

Biblical Law IV

Biblical Law V

Biblical Law VI

In This World

Christian Social Theory

Persecution And

The Christian

Practical Spiritual Warfare

Prophetic Victory

Seventy Weeks Of Daniel

Matthew 24 And The Great Tribulation

Understanding 'End Times'

Book Of Revelation I

Book of Revelation II

Scripture Foundations And Study Training

If you were a new Christian living in Rome around the year AD 200, you would have been required to do three years of schooling with an authorized teacher once a week, outside of the weekly church service, in order to be baptized...Students studied the Scriptures in-depth, and the material was heavily apologetic, instructing new believers on how Christian truth stood superior to pagan philosophy and religion.  To modern ears, this sounds rather intense.  Today, we would fear that such requirements would turn away prospective believers.  After all, there are barbeques to get to and baseball games to watch...They had to put in the time to deeply understand their faith if they were going to persevere through great hardships...They understood that in order for new believers to stand strong in a culture dominated by an opposing worldview, they needed more preparation than weekly worship and potlucks.  Natasha Crain, Faithfully Different, Kindle version


Covenants I

Covenants II

Covenants III


New Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

Life Of Christ I

Life Of Christ II

Life Of Christ III

Life Of Christ IV

Life Of Christ V

Sermon On The Mount I

Sermon On The Mount II

Theology I: Study Of God

Theology II:  Of Man

Theology III: Glory Of Christ

Theology IV: Doctrine Of Salvation

Theology V: Death And Beyond

Study Techniques

Feed Yourself

Through New Eyes

Typology I

Typology II

Building A Solid Life

With God

The Power Of Praise And Worship

With Yourself

How To Succeed In The Christian Life

Fear Not!

Overcoming Powerful Temptations

Breaking Free

Bible Study Resources And Articles

Click here for additional resources and articles.


What Is The Cost Of A Course?

All courses are by donation.  Some courses require the purchase of a textbook.

Is There A Time Limit To Complete A Course?

No.  These are self-study courses.  You set your own pace.

What If I Need Help Or Have A Question?

Most pages have a box on the bottom where you can ask questions or make comments.  We are also available by email to help you and answer questions.  Of course, we would also like to hear from you on how you like the course, and any suggestions you may have.

Can I Earn A Certificate For Completing A Course Or Series Of Courses?

Not at this time.  If the student base grows in the future, we may consider adding certificates.

Since The Courses Are Free, Why Do I Need To Register?

The purpose of registration is so that we can know how many people are taking which courses.  This will help us in the development of future courses.  There is no cost for you to register. 

My Password Email Did Not Arrive.  How Can I Get It?

Check your spam/junk folder, as they sometimes end up there.  If it is not there, you can either register again [be sure your email is spelled correctly] or send us an email via the contact button.

Sign up for our free monthly newsletter or take one of our free Bible Study courses.

Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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