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Scripture Snapshots

Scripture Snapshots are just short articless on various Bible verses or blogs through books of the Bible.  Scriptures marked with a "C" are more a commentary on the selected verses than an article on the subject.

If you want to go to a specific book click on the link.  Of course, you can also use the search feature to find what you are looking for.

Genesis - Exodus - Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy - Joshua - Judges - Ruth - 1 Samuel - 2 Samuel - 1 Kings - 2 Kings - 1 Chronicles - 2 Chronicles - Ezra - Nehemiah - Esther - Job - Psalms - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Song - Isaiah - Jeremiah  - Lamentations - Ezekiel - Daniel - Hosea - Joel - Amos - Obadiah - Jonah - Micah - Nahum - Habakkuk - Zephaniah - Haggai - Zechariah - Malachi - Matthew - Mark - Luke - John - Acts - Romans - 1 Corinthians - 2 Corinthians - Galatians - Ephesians - Philippians - Colossians - 1 Thessalonians - 2 Thessalonians - 1 Timothy - 2 Timothy - Titus - Philemon - Hebrews - James - 1 Peter - 2 Peter - 1 John - 2 John - 3 John - Jude - Revelation 

Woman Praising God


Bible Quotes

Old Testament


Genesis Blog Part 1

Genesis Blog Part 2

Deceptions In Genesis

Outline Of Adam's Life

Gen. 1:27 - Adam And Eve

Gen. 3:15 - The Great Plan Of God

Gen. 3:15 - [C] - The Key Verse Of The Bible

Gen. 4:1 - Misunderstood Promises - Video Version

Gen. 6:8-9 - How To Build Your Ark

Gen. 6:14 - Build Your Ark

Gen. 12:1-3 - Be A Blessing

Gen. 16 - The Surprising First Visit Of The Angel Of The Lord

Gen 24:63 - Biblical Meditation

Gen. 26:12 - Planting In Famine

Gen. 32:6-9 - Reacting In Great Fear And Distress


Ex. 3:1 - Why Did God Choose Us?

Ex. 3:6 - God Of Abraham

Ex. 3:17 - The God Who Suffers - Video Version

Ex. 4:24 - Why Did God Want To Kill Moses?

Ex. 17:11 - God's Different Ways

Ex. 19:3-6 - Did Israel Reject Relationship In Favour Of Law?

Ex. 21:5-6 - Christians Of The Pierced Ear


Lev. 17:11 - Life Is In The Blood


Num. 6:24-27 - God's Blessing To You

Numbers 12:14 - Shame On Account Of God's Displeasure


Deut. Blog

Deut. 4:5-6 - Why Study The Bible

Deut. 12:11 - Tithing And Offering

Deut. 13:1-4 - Satan's Counterattack - Video Version

Deut. 15:4 - Poverty Destroyed

Deut. 17:16-18 - Wiser Than God - Video Version

Deut. 23:12-14 - Our War Against Sin

Deut. 25:15 - Why This Financial Crisis?


This page is a growing commentary on various Bible verses.  Gain instruction, inspiration and motivation from God's Word. #biblecommentary #bibleexplained #bible #scripture

Joshua Blog

Joshua 1:2, 3:15-16 - Point Of No Return [Taken from our first newsletter]

Joshua 1:3 - Sovereignty Of God Over The World

Joshua 1:5-6 - A Minority With God Is A Majority

Joshua 1:9 - Victory In The Heat Of Battle

Joshua 2 - The Faith Of Rahab

Joshua 2:24 - Dangerous Second Coming Belief

Joshua 3:2-3 - Are You "Second Generation?"

Joshua 3:2-5 - Possess The Land

Joshua 5:13-14 - Are We On God's Side?

Joshua 6:2 - God's Battle Plan

Joshua 7:5-11 - The Sin Of Others Hurts Us

Joshua 23:6-13 - Courage

Joshua 24:15 - Stubborn For God


Jud. 2:20-22 - The Decline Of Western Civilization

Judges 4:3,13,15 - Face 900 Iron Chariots


Ruth 1:16-17 - The Value Of Loyalty

1 Samuel

1 Sam. 7:12 - The Lord Has Helped Us

1 Sam. 9:2, 14:24, 15:12 - Why Great Men Fail

2 Samuel

2 Sam. 6:6-9 - Respect God

1 Kings

1 Kings 18:3-4, 15-16 - Different Ministries Should Work Together

2 Kings

2 Kings 5:1 - Naaman The Outsider

2 Kings 5:2-3 - Helping Enemies

2 Kings 5:2-5, 9-14 - Where Does Your Significance Come From? - Video Version

2 Kings 5:7 - No Heart Change

2 Kings 5:9-10, 15-16 - On God's Terms

2 Kings 20:1, 5-6 - When Is Prayer Wrong?

1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 11:10-19 - [C] - David's Mighty Men

2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 - [C] - Seek My Face

2 Chronicles 7:14 - Judgement


Ezra 4:1-3 - Deceptive Infiltrators


Nehemiah 1:3-4 - Caring For The Glory Of God

Nehemiah 6:10-13 - Discerning Hidden Motives

Nehemiah 6:10-13 - Courage To Stand


Esther 4:15-16 - Life Happens...Then What?


Job 2:9-10 - Trouble From God


Psalm 1:3-4 - [C] - Christian Foundation For Life

Psalm 2:1-5 - Dangerous Laughter

Psalm 11 - Times Of Trouble

Psalm 16:1 - The Ultimate Gardner

Psalm 18:29, 34 - Running To Battle

Psalm 19:14 - Jesus Meditation

Psalm 23:1 - The Lord Is My Shepherd

Psalm 37:3-7 - Fear Faced

Psalm 45:6-7 - The Desire For Justice

Psalm 45:10-11 - Beautiful For The King

Psalm 45:10-11 - [C] - The Great King, Our Love

Psalm 46:10 - Be Still And Know That I Am God

Psalm 50:23 - The Sacrifice Of Thanksgiving

Psalm 56:3-4 - Fear Strikes, Faith Answers

Psalm 65:4 - Blessed By God

Psalm 75:9 - The God Of Jacob

Psalm 85:10, 13 - Righteousness Is A Necessity

Psalm 91 - The Secret Place

Psalm 96:7-9 - Why Praise And Worship?

Psalm 103:7 - The Acts Of God

Psalm 103:15-18 - The Importance Of Time

Psalm 104:3-4 - [C] - God's Upper Chamber

Psalm 104:33-34 - [C] - I Will...

Psalm 105:16 - Does God Cause Natural Disasters?

Psalm 119:89-91 - [C] - Your Word Is Eternal

Psalm 122:1 - Why Go To Church?

Psalm 138:14 - Unique Christians Or Box Store Christians?

Psalm 145:3 - Great Is The Lord

Psalm 159 - The Call Is To Victory


Proverbs 8:36 - The Greatest Sin Possible

Proverbs 18:10 - Running Into The Safe Place

Proverbs 26:4-5 - The Fool


Ecclesiastes 5:18 - God's Original Blessing - Video Version

Song Of Songs

Song Of Songs 5:2-6 - The Divine Lover


Isaiah 2:2 - Why Isn't Christianity Working?

Isaiah 2:2-3 - The Kingdom Of God Expands To Rule The Earth

Isaiah 8:12-23 - Conspiracy!  Conspiracy!

Isaiah 8:16, 20 - Christian Insanity

Isaiah 14:12-15 - Heart Of Sin

Isaiah 26:3 - A Holy Imagination Keeps You In Peace?

Isaiah 30:15 - Unpopular Salvation For Rebellious People

Isaiah 41:10 - Do Not Fear

Isaiah 43:10 - God's Greatest Challenge

Isaiah 52:14-15 - Increase Your Vision

Isaiah 58 - Looking For Justice


Jeremiah 25:5-6, 18 - Why Do Humanists Rule Over Christians?

Jeremiah 31:34 - Know God For Yourself


Lam. 3:40-41 - Are You Missing Life?


Ezekiel 19:16 - Rely On God Alone


Daniel Blog Completed

Daniel 11:31-32 - Mighty Exploits

Daniel 11:32 - Traits Of Great Men And Women Of God


Hosea 1:9-10 - Children Of The Living God





Jonah 4:2 - Jonah: The Man Who Loved His Country More Than God


Micah 6:8 - The Requirement Of God



Habakkuk 2:1 - Why Are The Wicked Prospering?

Habakkuk 2:12-14 - The Earth Will Be Filled With The Knowledge Of God - Video Version




Zechariah 1:20-22 - War Horse Or Work Horse: Which Are You?


New Testament


Matthew Blog Part I

Matthew Blog Part II

Matthew 1:18-20 - The Cost Of Christmas

Matthew 1:9 - Joseph: The Forgotten Father

Matthew 2:11 - They Came To Worship

Matthew 3:3 - Every Christian's Ministry

Matthew 3:17 - What Pleases God The Father?

Matthew 4:4 - Define Reality - A Touch Point

Matthew 5:13-14 - Are You The Salt Of The Earth? - Video Version

Matthew 5:4-16 - You Are The Light Of The World - Video Version

Matthew 5:14 - Condition Of The World: Who Is Responsible?

Matthew 6:9 - Our Father...

Matthew 6:9 - ...In Heaven...

Matthew 6:9 - ...Hallowed Be Your Name...

Matthew 6:10 - ...Your Kingdom Come...

Matthew 6:10 - ...Your Will Be Done...

Matthew 6:10 - ...Your Will Be Done On Earth...

Matthew 6:11 - ...Give Us Our Daily Bread...

Matthew 6:12 - ...Forgive Us As We Forgive Others...

Matthew 6:13 - ...Lead Us Not Into Temptation...

Matthew 8:26 - Why Are You Afraid?

Matthew 10:32-33 - Perpetua's Ladder

Matthew 11:2-3 - Christian Self-Doubt - Video Version

Matthew 11:23-25 - Religious Pride Kills

Matthew 12:43-45 - Symptoms Or Root Causes?

Matthew 13:57 - Prophet Without Honour

Matthew 14:28-30 - Live God's Impossible Dream For Your Life

Matthew 16:24 - Forced To The Cross

Matthew 22:32 - God Of Isaac

Matthew 27:46 - Forsaken By God

Matthew 28:19-20 - Path Of A Disciple

Matthew 28:20 - Teaching Them To Obey Everything I Have Commanded You - Video Version


Mark 1:34 - Approval Of Man

Mark 6:34 - Moved With Compassion

Mark 10:46-53 - How To Receive A Miracle

Mark 14:8 - She Did What She Could - Video


Luke 1:16-17 - Zechariah's Expectations For His Son

Luke 1:37 - No Word From God Will Ever Fail

Luke 3:2 - In The Wilderness

Luke 4:3-4 - The Word Of God Is Life

Luke 4:25-28 - What Do A Military Commander And A Poor Widow Have In Common?

Luke 6:12-13 - A Disciple Of Jesus

Luke 6:45 - History's Number Three Villain

Luke 7:40-47 - Pride: The Silent Killer

Luke 7:44-48 - Why Christians Are Uncommitted

Luke 8:22-25 - Applying Your Faith

Luke 8:45 - Who Touched Me?

Luke 9:51 - The Mission From God For Jesus And Us

Luke 10:1 - Sent Out By Jesus

Luke 10:19 - Authority Plus Power - Video Version

Luke 11:2 - Our Father...God

Luke 11:4 - Forgive Us Our Sins

Luke 11:23 - No Neutrality

Luke 14:33 - You Cannot Be My Disciple - Video Version

Luke 15:28-31 - The Older Brother

Luke 17:3-4 - Do We Forgive Everyone - Even Repeat Offenders?

Luke 17:5 - Increase Our Faith

Luke 23:39-43 - Which Thief Are You?

Luke 17:10 - Attitude Of Servants

Luke 22:3 - History's Number One Villain

Luke 22:27 - Our Unselfish God

Luke 22:41-44 - When God Is Silent


John Blog Part I

John Blog Part II

John 1:1-3 - [C] - The Word Was God

John 1:29 - Life Is Not Fair

John 5:6 - Do You Want To Get Well?

John 5:19 - The Kingship Of Christ

John 5:19-20 - What Moved Jesus To Action?

John 5:20 - The Sin We Never Confess

John 8:44 - The Matrix Of Reality

John 9:25 - I Know This!

John 10:10 - Christophobic Christians

John 10:13 - Dirty Feet - Video Version

John 12:5-6 - Judas: What Went Wrong?

John 12:27-28 - [C] - Jesus' Heart Is Troubled

John 14:21 - What Can We Give To Jesus?

John 15:3 - Words Of Christ

John 15:5 - Mankind's Independence Day

John 15:11 - The Joy Killers

John 17:3 - This is Eternal Life

John 17:14 - The Father's Gift

John 20:11-12, 15-16 - New Life Out Of Death

John 20:15 - Why Are You Crying?

John 21:18-19 - Glorify God In Death


Acts 1:8 - The Baptism In The Holy Spirit

Acts 3:1-8 - The Lame Man

Acts 16:25-26 - Setting Captives Free

Acts 20:27 - Is Your Christian Life Balanced?


Romans 1:17 - Faith Forward

Romans 1:32 - History's Number Two Villain

Romans 5:1-2 - [C] - Justified By Faith

Romans 5:3-5 - [C] - Why Rejoice In Suffering?

Romans 5:9 - The Sufferings Of Christ

Romans 5:12-14 - Were People Innocent Of Sin Before The Law?

Romans 6:6-7 - Freed From Sin

Romans 6:14 - Dominion Of Sin

Romans 6:14-16 - God's Grace And Sin

Romans 6:17-18 - Slaves To Sin

Romans 6:19 - Yield Your Members

Romans 8:38-39 - Does Your Past Haunt You?

Romans 10:9 - The Lord Jesus Christ Over All

Romans 12:2 - Finding The Will Of God

Romans 15:5-6 - [C] - Unity

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 4:2 - The Forgotten Virtue

1 Corinthians 4:7 - Gift From God

1 Corinthians 10:31 - Your Purpose In Life

1 Corinthians 11:18-19 - Why Do Heresies Invade The Church?

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 4:2 - Attacks On The Bible

2 Corinthians 5:17 - In Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17 - A New Creature - Really?

2 Corinthians 5:17 - The Truth About You

2 Corinthians 12:7 - Problems And Power

2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine Yourselves


Galatians 6:1 - A Fallen Brother

Galatians 6:7-8 - [C] God Cannot Be Mocked


Ephesians Blog

Ephesians 1:1 - [C] Paul, An Apostle...

Ephesians 1:5-6 - [C] We Are The Family Of God

Ephesians 1:9-10 - Unity In Christ

Ephesians 2:10 - Are You In Full Time Ministry?

Ephesians 2:20 - [C] God's Workmanship

Ephesians 3:1 - The Prisoner Of The Lord Jesus

Ephesians 4:13 - To Be Like Jesus: The Goal Of The Christian Life

Ephesians 4:27 - The Anger Hazzard

Ephesians 5:14-15 - UnChristian Conduct

Ephesians 5:19-20 - Praise And Thanksgiving

Ephesians 6:10-11 - God's Armor

Ephesians 6:16 - Raising The Shield Of Faith


Philippians 2:5 - Choices [video]

Philippians 3:3 - No Confidence In The Flesh - Video

Philippians 3:10-11 - What Do You Want Out Of Life?


Colossians 1:1 - [C] - Paul, An Apostle...

Colossians 1:9-10 - The Precise Knowledge Of God's Will

Colossians 1:27 - The Unanswerable Prayer

Colossians 2:15 - Triumphing Over The Enemy - Video

Colossians 2:18 - Disqualified Christians

Colossians 3:23-24 - The Christian's Reward

1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 - [C] Christian Ambition

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 6:15 - King Of Kings

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 2:11-13 - Does God Remain Faithful To The Faithless?




Hebrews 1:1-2 - [C] God Spoke

Hebrews 1:3 - [C] The Work Of Christ

Hebrews 3:9-11 - The Works Of God Vs. The Ways Of God

Hebrews 9:4 - The Ark Of The Covenant

Hebrews 12:14 - How Do We Manage Life?

Hebrews 12:16 - Are You Selling Your Spiritual Inheritance?

Hebrews 13:8 - Changes In Life


James Blog

James 1:5 - Without Finding Fault

1 Peter

2 Peter

2 Peter 3:16 - Can Reading The Bible Cause Atheism?

1 John

1 John 4:16 - God Is Love: Do We Really Believe It? - Video Version

2 John

3 John



Moments In Revelation

Revelation Course

Revelation 1:5 - [C] Jesus Is The Faithful Witness

Revelation 2:10 - Faithful Until Death

Revelation 2:17 - When Jesus Calls Your New Name

Revelation 12:11 - The Word Of Their Testimony

Revelation 12:17 - The Undefeated Church

Revelation 17:14 - King Jesus?

Revelation 22:1-2 - The River Of Life

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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