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Advertising Opportunities
on Free Bible Study Lessons

Page Sponsor

We are offering the ability for businesses, churches, charities or individuals to sponsor pages on our site.  This means that on a specific page this notice would be given under the author's name: This Page Is Sponsored By [Name] OR This Page Is Sponsored In Memory Of [Name].  The name may or may not include a link to another site.  The following are the rules and costs of sponsorship:

1.  We reserve the right for any reason to refuse a sponsorship and/or link.  Sites must be compatible with traditional Christian values and contain zero profanity.  This also includes sites which may be promoted on the applying site.  Again, we are the sole judge as to what is appropriate advertising on our site.

2.  The monthly payment is made by signing up for PayPal Subscription.  The amount will be automatically deducted until you cancel.

3.  Sponsors should consider this as a one year commitment; however, it may be cancelled at any time without penalty.  

4.  We may also terminate a sponsorship at any time for any reason.

5.  In the case of either a cancellation or a termination, the sponsor's name will continue to appear until the end of the last month paid for unless, at our sole discretion, we decide to issue a refund.

6.  There can only be one sponsor per page.  The Home Page, Administration pages and Promotional Pages cannot be sponsored.

7.  If links are given, they will open in a new page.  During the course of the sponsorship the page cannot be changed to substantially different content without being re-approved for sponsorship.

8.  The costs are per follows:

For a Second Tier Page [i.e. a page on the Navigation Bar]: $50 a month or $60 with a link.

For a page with over 500 visitors a month:  $40 a month or $50 with a link.

For a page with over 100 visitors a month but less than 500: $20 a month or $25 with a link.

For page a with 100 or less visitors a month: $10 a month or $20 with a link.

Note:  If you are sponsoring a page in memory of someone, you can choose to have a dedicated page on our site with their bio and picture.  This page will be linked to from your sponsored page.  The cost to build and maintain this page is $20 a month regardless of the page visitors on your sponsored page.  In this case, we would forgo the extra link charge.  For example, if you choose a less than 100 visitors page your cost would be $10 per month for the Sponsorship and $20 per month for the dedicated page - no additional charge for the link.

9.  The page visitors per month will be determined by the month preceding the first month's sponsorship and will remain the same until cancelled or terminated regardless if the page increases or decreases over time.

10.  Potential sponsors may inquire as to the number of visitors to a page before making a commitment.  

11.  We reserve the right to amend or cancel this program.

12.  If you are interested, use the contact button on the side to ask questions, find the availability/cost of a specific page and get your sponsorship approved.

AFTER Approval use the PayPal subscription below to begin your payments.  We are not responsible for payments made in advance of written approval.

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Woman Praising God

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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