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Bible History
From The Death Of Noah To Israel Entering Canaan
553 years

Dates in Green - 106E0A - are from Mauro, dates in blue - 094680 - are from Ussher and dates in red - 690404 - are from other sources.  There are two dates given with both Mauro and Ussher.  The first date is the number of years since creation and the second date is the BC/AD date.

[#]  = # in [] following a name is their age at time of the event

          [T#]  =  amount of time of the event, i.e. oppression of Eglon [T40] means Eglon oppressed Israel 40 years

          [-date] = The date the reign or event ended if different from beginning date

Woman Praising God

[2006/2040 - 2006/1998] - Noah [950] died - Gen. 9:28-29

[2008/2038 - 2008/1996] - Abram born [Terah 130] - Gen. 11:27

[———————-2018/1986] - Sarai was born - Gen. 17:17

[———————-2026/1978] - Reu dies - Gen. 11:21

[About 2046/2000 ————] - People of southeastern Spain -      Phoenician “Tarshish” - develop a bronze industry and sell their product all over the Mediterranean.

[——————— 2049/1955] - Serug dies - Gen. 11:23

[———————-2079/1925] - Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, conqueors Sodom, Gomorrah and other cities, rules for 12 years - Gen. 14:1-4

[2083/1963 - 2083/1922] - Terah dies at 205 - Gen. 11:32

                                                - Abram [75] leaves Haran and enters Canaan - Gen. 12:4 

                                                - Abrahamic Promise - Gen. 12

[————————2084/1921] - Abram goes to Egypt, denies Sarai is his wife - Ge. 12:10-20  

                                            - Abram and Lot separate - Gen. 13

[———————-2091/1913] - Bera, king of Sodom, and his allies rebel - Gen. 14:1-4

[———————-2092/1912] - Chedorlaomer counterattacks and defeats Bera, captures Lot, is attacked by Abraham - Gen. 14:5- 17

                                            - Melchizedek - Gen. 14:18-20

[2093/1953 - 2093/1911] - Abram marries Hagar - Gen. 16:1-4

[2094/1952 - 2094/1910] - Ishmael is born- Gen. 16:15-16 

[———————-2096/1908] - Arphaxad dies - Gen. 11:13

[2017/1939 - 2017/1897] - Isaac is promised - Gen. 17:15-19

                                               - Abram [99]becomes Abraham - Gen. 17:5

                                               - Abrahamic Covenant - Gen.  17

                                               - Name changed - Gen. 17:5, 15

                                               - Abraham and Ishmael circumcised - Gen. 17:23

                                               - Sodom and Gormorrah destroyed, Lot saved - Gen. 18-19     

                                               - Abraham moves and Abimelech takes Sarah - Gen. 20

[2108/1938 - 2018/1896] - Isaac born - Gen. 17:21, 21:1-7

                                            - Moab and Benammi born to Lot's daughters - Gen.


[2113/1933 - 2113/1891] - Isaac weaned - Gen. 21:8

                                            - Ishmael cast out - Gen. 21:9-21, Gal. 4:29 


[———————-2126/1878] - Shelah dies - Gen. 11:15

[———————- 2133/1871] - Abraham offers Isaac [25] - Gen. 22:1-19, Heb. 11:17, 19 

[2145/1901 - 2145/1859] - Sarah dies [127] - Gen. 23  

[2148/1898 - 2148/1856] - Isaac married Rebekah - Gen. 24, 25:20

[About 2157/1887————] - Ice Age peaks 

[2158/1888 - 2158/1846] - Shem [600] dies - Gen. 11:11

[2168/1878 - 2168/1836] - Esau and Jacob born - Gen. 25:21-26, Hos. 12:3

[———————-2179/1825] - Hyksos [Shepherd Kings] leave Egypt and build Jerusalem

[2183/1863 - 2183/1821] - Abraham dies [175] -  Gen. 25:7-10  

[2148/1898 - 2187/1817] - Heber [Eber] dies - Gen. 11:17  

[2208/1838 - 2208/11796] - Esau [40] married 2 wives - Gen. 26:34-35

[————————2231/1773] - Ishmael dies [137] - Gen. 25:17

[2245/1801 - 2245/1760] - Jacob [77] goes to Padan Aram - Gen. 27-29:13

[2252/1794 - 2245?/1759] - Jacob [84] marries Leah and Rachel - Gen. 29:14-30  

[————————2246/1758] - Reuben born - Gen. 29:32  

[————————2247/1757] - Simeon born - Gen. 29:33

[————————2248/1756] - Levi born - Gen. 29:34

[———————--2249/1755] - Judah born - Gen. 29:35

[2259/1787 - 2259/1745] - Joseph born [Jacob 91] - Gen. 30:22-24

[2265/1781 - 2265/1739] - Jacob [97] returns to Canaan - Gen. 31- 33 

[———————-2276/1728] - Joseph [17] dreams and is sold into slavery - Gen. 37 noah16

[———————-2287/1717] - Joseph interprets dreams of Pharoah's officers - Gen. 40


[2289/1757 - 2289/1716] - Joesph [30] stands before Pharaoh - Gen. 41:1-43

                                               - Joseph marries Asenath - Gen. 41:45

                                               - Seven years of plenty begin - Gen. 41;46-53

[2296/1750 - 2296/1708] - Years of plenty end..Joseph [37] - Gen. 41:54-57

[———————-2297/1707] - Joseph's brothers come - Gen. 42  

[———————-2298/1706] - Joseph's brothers come with Benjamin - Gen. 43-45

[2298/1748———————-] - Jacob [130] goes to Egypt - Gen. 46 - 47 

[———————-2300/1704] - Joseph receives all the money in Egypt/Canaan - Gen. 47:14-15

[———————-2301/1703] - Joseph receives all flocks/cattle - Gen. 47:16-17

[2148/1898 - 2148/1856] - Egyptians sold their land and freedom - Gen. 47:18 - 26

[2315/1731 - 2315/1689] - Jacob [147] dies - Gen. 48 - 49

[About 2357/2345———--] - Ice Age ends

[Unknown date——————] - Job likely lived during the later Genesis period.

[2369/1677 - 2369/1635] - Joseph [110] dies - Gen. 50  

[———————-2385/1619] - Levi [137] dies - Ex. 6:16  

[———————-2427/1577] - Ramesses Miamun [T66, 2 months] - Ex. 1:8  

[———————-2430/1574] - Aaron born - Ex. 7:7

[Between the births of Aaron/Moses] - Order to kill male Hebrew children - Ex. 1:15-22, Acts 7:19

[2433/1613 - 2433/1571] - Moses born - Ex. 2:1-10  

[2473/1573 - 2473/1531] - Moses flees Egypt - Ex. 2:11-22  

[2474/1572 - 2474/1530] - Caleb born

[——————---2494/1511] - Ramesses Miamun dies - Ex. 2:23

                                              - Ramesses son, Amenophis, reigns [T19, 6 months] - Exodus Pharaoh

[2513/1533 - 2513/1491] - Moses returns - Ex. 3-11 noah21

                                               - 15th day, 1st month..The Exodus - Num. 33:3  

                                               - 15th day, 2nd month..Arrival at Wilderness of Sin

                                               - Giving manna, smiting Rock

                                               - 15th day, 3rd month..Arrival at Sinai

                                               - 4th month...Ten Commandments, Golden calf, Tabernacle design given

                                               - 6th month..Moses returns with new Ten Commandments tablet, Offering for tabernacle supplies

[2514/1532 - 2514/1490] - 1st day, 1st month..Tabernacle set up

                                               - 1st day, 2nd month..events of Leviticus [1 month]

                                               - 2nd month..Jethro brings Moses wife, Zipporah, and his 2 sons, Break camp to go to Canaan

                                               - 4th month..Miriam cleansed

                                               - 5th month..12 spies sent

                                               - 6th month..spies return, people refuse to go in

[————————2552/1452] - Israel ordered to go to the promised land

[2552/1494————————] - 1st month..Miriam [130] dies Moses strikes the rock instead of speaking to it

                                                 - 1st day, 5th month..Aaron [133] dies

                                                 - 6th month..Arad, king in southern Canaan attacks and takes many prisoners

                                                  - 1st day, 11th month..during preceding 6 months: brazen serpent, defeat of Sihon and Og, Balaam

[————————-2553/1451] - Moses divides lands to Ruben, Gad, 1/2 tribe of Manasseh - Num. 32

                                                  - 12th month..Moses [120] dies Michael disputes with Devil over body of Moses - Jude 1:9

[2553/1493 - 2553/1451] - 14th day, 1st month..Israel enters Canaan - Jos. 5:10 

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