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Bible History
From King Saul
To King Solomon
120 years

Dates in Green are from Mauro, dates in blue are from Ussher and dates in red are from other sources.  There are two dates given with both Mauro and Ussher.  The first date is the number of years since creation and the second date is the BC/AD date.

[#]  = # in [] following a name is their age at time of the event

          [T#]  =  amount of time of the event, i.e. oppression of Eglon [T40] means Eglon oppressed Israel 40 years

          [-date] = The date the reign or event ended if different from beginning date.

SP = Spring, SU = Summer, AU = Autumn, WI = Winter

Woman Praising God

[3023/1023 - 2909/1095] - Saul becomes king - 1 Sam. 9 -10

[About 1 month later] - Nahash, king of the Ammonites, besieges Jabesh Gilead - 1 Sam. 11:1-11

                       - Saul confirmed as king - 1 Sam. 11:12-15

[———————2911/1093] - Saul fights against Philistines and other enemies of Israel - 1 Sam. 13-14

[——————--2919/1085] - David born

[———————2941/1063] - Samuel anoints David king - 1 Sam. 16:1-13

[———————2944/1060] - Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son, born

                     - David flees to King Achish in Gath and lives in Ziglag -    1 Sam. 27

[—————2948AU/1057] - David raids towns killing all - 1 Sam. 1-12

[—————2948SP/1056] - Many valiant men join David - 1 Chr. 12:1, 15, 18

[———————2949/1055] - King Achish plans to attack Israel, David and his men are sent home

                      - Saul consults the witch

                      - Ziglag plundered, but David rescues

                      - Israel defeated, Saul and Jonathan killed

                      - Mephibosheth is dropped and becomes lame

                      - David executes Amalekite who killed Saul

                      - Abner makes Ishbosheth king [#40] [-1048] - 2 Sam. 2:8-10

[3063/0983 - 2949/1055] - David is king over Judah - 2 Sam. 2:5-7

                      - David marries Maacah, the future mother of Absalom and Tamar - 2 Sam. 3:3; 13:1

[———————-2951/1053] - After 2 years of peace, the long war with Ishbosheth begins.  Abner is Ishbosheth's general and Joab, David's nephew, is David's general.  2 Sam. 2:26-3:1

[———————-2952/1053] - Eighth Jubilee

[———————-2956/1048] - Abner defects to David and arranges to transfer entire kingdom to David - 2 Sam 3:6-21

                       - David demands Isbosheth return his wife Michal - 1 Sam. 25:44, 2 Sam. 3:14-15

                       - Abner murdered by Joab - 2 Sam. 3:17-39

                       - Isobosheth murdered, David executes his killers - 2 Sam. 4:1-12

                       - David anointed King over Israel for the 3rd time - 1 Chr. 12:23-40. 11:1-3, 2 Sam. 5:1-3

[———————-2957AU/1048] - David captures Jerusalem and he makes it his capital - 2 Sam. 5:5-9, 1 Car. 11:4-7

[———————-2957SP/1047] - Philistines attack Israel twice and are defeated - 2 Sam. 5:22-25, 1 Ch 14:1-17

- David longs for a drink of water from Bethlehem and 3 valiant captains break through the enemy lines to get it. - 2 Sam. 23:13, 1 Chr. 11:15

[———————-2959/1045] - Ark moved to city of David but the brazen altar for daily sacrifices remains at Gibeon until the temple of Solomon is built - 2 Sam. 6:17, 1 Chr. 6:31-49, 16:1, 39-40, 21:29, 2 Car. 1:3-6, 1 Kings 3:2-4

                       - David writes Psalm 68

[———————-2967AU/1038] - Nahash, king of the Ammonites, dies and his son, Hanun abuses the comforters David sent to him - 2 Sam. 10:1-5

[———————-2967SP/1037] - David defeats the Ammonites - 2 Sam. 10:1-19, 1 Chr. 19:1-19

[———————-2968WI/1036] - David defeats the Syrians - 2 Sam. 10:1-19, 1 Chr. 19:1-19

[———————-2969WI/1035] - David commits adultery with Bathsheba and arranges Uriah’s death - 2 Sam. 11:1-27 

[———————-2970WI/1034] - David rebuked by Nathan, repents

                       - Child of adultery dies - 2 Sam. 12:1-31

                       - David writes Psalm 51

[———————-2971AU/1034] - Solomon is born - 1 Chr. 22:9, 2 Sam. 12:25

[———————-2972SP/1032] - Amon rapes his half-sister, Tamar - 2 Sam. 13:1-39

[———————-2974SP/1030] - Absalom kills Amon in revenge for the rape and flees to Geshur in Syria - 2 Sam. 12:23, 13:37-38, 15:8

[———————-2977SP/1027] - Absalom returns - 2 Sam. 13:38, 14:1, 23

[———————-2979WI/1025] - Absalom sets Joab’s barley on fire to get an audience with his father - 2 Sam. 14:28-33

[———————-2981SP/1023] -  Absalom rebels - 2 Sam. 15:7, 2 Sam. 17:28

                       - David writes Psalms 3 and 55

                       - Absalom is killed by Joab - 2 Sam. 18:9-14

                       - Other Israelites rebel but are defeated - 2 Sam. 19 - 20

[———————-2983SP/1021] - 3 year famine begins because of the murder of the Gibeonites by Saul and his family - 2 Sam. 21:1-2

[———————-2986SP/1018] - Some of Saul’s sons and grandchildren are killed to end the famine - 2 Sam. 21:8-10

[———————-2987SU/1017] - David disobeys God by taking a census and is given 3 choices of punishment as a consequence - 2 Sam. 24, 1 Chr. 21

[———————-2988AU/1017] - David begins to prepare materials for Solomon’s building the temple on the threshing floor of Araunah which he had bought - 2 Sam 24, 1 Chr. 22

[———————-2988SP/1019] - David establishes a set form for ecclesiastical and civil government - 1 Chr. 23 - 34

                       - Rehoboam born to Solomon

[———————-2989WI/1017] - Abishag hired to keep the 70 year-old David warm - 1 Kings 1:1-4

[———————-2989SP/1015] - Adonijah tries to take the throne but David confirms that Solomon is to be the successor - 1 Kings 1:1-53

[———————-2990AU/1015] - David dies - 1 Kings 2:1-10, 2 Sam. 5:5

[3103/09432990/1015] - Solomon becomes king 

[———————-2990WI/1014] - Solomon has Adonijah and Joan killed

[———————-2991AU/1014] - Pharaoh gives his daughter in marriage to Solomon who brings her into Zion - 1 Kings 3:1, 2 Chr. 8:11

[———————-2991SP/1013] - Solomon offers 1,000 whole burnt offerings at Gibeon

                       - Solomon choses wisdom as a gift from God 

                       - Solomon settles dispute of the 2 women and their child - 1 Kings 3:1-28

[———————-2992AU/1013] - Solomon and Hiram work together for the building of the Temple - 1 Kings 5:1-18

[———————-2992/1013 - Monday May 21] - Foundation of the Temple laid 480 years after the exodus - 1 Kings 6:1, 37, 2 Chr. 3:2

[———————-2993WI/1011] - Shimei breaks agreement and crosses the brook Kidron, Solomon executes him - 1 Kings 3:39-46

[———————-3000AU/1005] - Temple and its furnishings completed - 1 Kings 6:38

[———————-3001AU/1004] - Ninth Jubilee year

                      - Solomon dedicates the Temple - 1 Kings 8, 2 Chr. 5-8

                      - Fri., Oct 30 - 1st of 7 days of Dedication

                      - Sun., Nov. 1 - Feast Of Atonement

                      - Fri., Nov 6 - Feast Of Tabernacles

                       - Fri., Nov. 13 - Last day of Feast Of Tabernacles

                       - Sat., Nov. 14 - People return home

[———————-3012SP/0992] - Solomon’s own house is finished

[———————-3026AU/0978] - Shishak begins reigning in Egypt and Jerboam flees to him - 1 Kings 11:40, 12:2

[3143/0903 - 3029WI/0975] - Solomon dies

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