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Bible Courses:
Email or Online?

Free Bible Study Lessons has email Bible courses and our new Joshua Institute offers some of the same courses done online.  So which way is best for you?  Below are the main differences so that you can reach a decision. 

Woman Praising God

Email Bible Courses

1. Each lesson is sent by email, usually every seven days from when you sign up - although a few courses are on a different schedule.

2. Each lesson contains a written teaching or a link to a workbook to be downloaded.

3. Most courses also have an assignment with each lesson based on the Feed Yourself course.

4. For some it is easier to keep a schedule of study when lessons arrive on a regular basis.

5. A few courses require a textbook.  These are marked.

6. The courses are self-study and self-marked, although we are available if questions come up.

7. E-mail Bible courses are free.

Online Bible Courses

1. Each student registers with the Joshua Institute and then selects the course[s] they want to take.

2. Courses contain a written teaching.

3. Courses also have a video teaching

4. Most courses have both an assignment based on the Feed Yourself course and a quiz at the end of each lesson to test the student’s knowledge.

5. You can go through the course at your own pace - no waiting for emails to arrive or be lost in a spam folder.

6.  For textbook courses answers are given in the video.

7. Most courses require the purchase of a textbook.

8. You can apply for a certificate of completion emailed to you at the end of your course.

9. Most courses also have a small registration cost [usually between $10 - $25].

There is no right or wrong choice.  You decide which way works best for you.  May the Peace and Grace of Jesus be with you as you study and apply His Word. 

Check out our email Bible courses and/or our online Bible courses.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

Sign up for our free monthly newsletter or take one of our free Bible Study courses.

Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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