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In the first century, when the book of Revelation was written, Jewish Christians were torn between the old and the new. What place did the temple and the priesthood have in the kingdom of God? All discussion was about to be brutally cut short as Jewish bandits roamed the countryside - murdering, raping, and robbing at will - and finally forcing the Romans to destroy the beloved city and temple. How could the Jewish Christians stand in these devastating times? As everything they had been taught and understood was collapsing in ashes around them, where could they get the instruction and encouragement to go on?
In the first century Christians of all races were about to undergo the first large-scale persecution. Their friends and loved ones would be tortured and murdered. Could the infant church survive the fury of the mighty Roman Empire? What words of instruction and encouragement would Jesus have for them to keep them holding on?
And what would they do when their family and friends were abandoning the faith? Great heresies were sweeping through the Church, attempting to deceive even the elect. Would persecution and false teaching wipe out the infant Church?
Out of the darkness and confusion of these trouble times shone the Book of Revelation. It showed Jesus as Victorious over every enemy. It warned of the disasters and persecutions about to take place. And it revealed the judgment of God on His enemies and the victory of the church. It was the message of hope the church needed to hear.
Come and join us on an exploration of the meaning of the Book of Revelation in this verse-by-verse commentary. You will search both the Old and the New Testaments - for Scripture always explains Scripture. We will look at history. And we will discover how to apply the truths of Revelation to our lives today.
Let us open our minds and hearts to the Word of God and to the Holy Spirit. Let us listen to His instruction and encouragement. Then this electrifying Book will become the book of Blessing and Joy that it was intended to be. Discover the ways the Holy Spirit can make His Revelation a source of practical, daily help as you face the challenges of life.
The Spirit and the Bride say come...
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Note: This course was originally made available in this form in 2001. Since that time I have changed my view on a few details; however, I strongly feel the foundation and structure is biblically sound. This is in contrast to popular views which must change their interpretation with every current political wind.
Also see our video series: Moments In Revelation.
You may also be interested in reading the short article The Dangerous Writing Date Of The Book Of Revelation.
God Bless
Glenn Davis
For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.
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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future]. Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email. Thank you. Glenn