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Even a quick reading of Scripture will show the importance of Covenants. The more a subject or word is used in the Bible the more we know it is important. If God takes time to talk about a subject repeatedly it reveals its value to God and it ought then to be a high priority for us. This word is used at least 26 times in the book of Genesis [where 4 out of the major 7 testaments are given!]. “Covenant” is used 227 times in the rest of the Old Testament and 33 times in the New Testament.
Is God trying to get our attention? Yet many Bible Schools and Seminaries do not even mention the topic. The ones that do usually cover it very quickly. Much of the popular error which is taught today about the “end-times” and related topics would be eliminated by a proper understanding of Covenants and God’s work and purpose through them.
So why is this study
important? God is intelligent. He does not do things just on a whim. He has a purpose and plan in the world. He has chosen to reveal
that purpose through a series of covenants or testaments. When I say “a
purpose”, I mean exactly that. God has one overall purpose for His
creation. This single purpose is revealed in successive stages. There are some Christians who believe that God works in a disjointed way, with different plans for different people or eras. A study of this subject reveals there is, indeed, only one plan. The Lord, our God is One.
Each of the Seven Covenants we are about to study is intimately linked to the one before it. Each Testament reveals a new stage and shows a new and fundamental aspect of the Truth in the plan of God. This progression is like starting in school with addition and advancing over time to algebra. No first grade student starts with algebra! Even so God reveals His plan step-by-step. If we jump to the New Testament without understanding the foundation on which it was built we will fail to understand [or will misapply] all that it encompasses. So we need to start in Grade One with the first Covenant and then work our way through each one in turn. It is important to do them in their proper order.
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Acts 2:23
God’s eternal purpose centers around Jesus Christ and we know that salvation is through Him alone. “The determinate counsel” shows us that God had a plan in the very beginning. When the Jews crucified Jesus they did not take God by surprise or alter His eternal plan one bit. In fact, it was in the plan all the time. Covenants reveal God’s eternal plan as it relates to mankind one step at a time.
This course, written by Rev. LeRoy Davis, will take you through each step on the way [Eden, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus]. You will see in Scripture how each plan developed and how it works with the ones that went before. You will develop a solid knowledge of subject. Do not miss this unique opportunity.
Click the lesson below to download the first PDF Workbook. There are twenty-one workbooks in all. The average workbook is 35-40 pages. The workbooks contain questions and tests and come with a Score Key. They are ideal for home study, Bible studies, Church training programs, and schools. We highly recommend doing the Lessons in order; however, the Lessons are titled so that if you are researching or want to review a specific covenant you can do so easily. In order to access the other workbooks, you will need to register and receive a password. If you do not receive the password email within an hour, please check your spam/junk mail folder. There is no cost for registration. You will receive our monthly newsletter, Water Of The Word, from which you can unsubscribe at any time. The reason for the registration is so we can have an idea how many people are taking the course.
Suggested donation for the course is $15.
Lesson One - Introduction
Once you have received your password, you can access the rest of the lessons here.
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God Bless,
Glenn Davis
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