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Life Of Christ
43 Years

Dates in Green are from Mauro, dates in blue are from Ussher and dates in red are from other sources.  There are two dates given with both Mauro and Ussher.  The first date is the number of years since creation and the second date is the BC/AD date.

          [#]  = # in [] following a name is their age at time of the event

          [T#]  =  amount of time of the event, i.e. oppression of Eglon [T40] means Eglon oppressed Israel 40 years

          [-date] = The date the reign or event ended if different from beginning date.

SP = Spring, SU = Summer, AU = Autumn, WI = Winter

[For a more detailed look at the history of the time see From John The Baptist To A.D 100.

God's Word To You Promo 2

[4033/11 BC ————] - Publius Sulpicius Quirinius [Cyrenius - Luke 2:2] becomes governor of Syria


[———-About 3994/10BC] - The lame man born who was later healed by Peter - Acts 4:2

[————————3996/8] - The man Christ later healed by the pool of Bethesada begins laying by the pool - John 5:5

[——————-3998/6WI] - Gabriel appears to Zacharias - Luke 1:5-22

[———————3999/6AU] - Elizabeth conceives and hides away for 5 months - Luke 1:23-25

[__________3999/5WI] - Gabriel appears to Mary - Luke 1:26-38

                     - Mary stays with Elizabeth 3 months - Luke 1:39-56

                     - John the Baptist born - Luke 1:57-68

                     - Angel appears to Joseph who then takes Mary as his wife - Matt. 1:18-24

[———————4000/5AU] - Augustus orders the Roman world to be taxed - Luke 2:1

                      - Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem - Luke 2:4-5

[4041/5————————-] Birth of Christ - Matt. 1:25, Luke 2:7, Gal. 4:4 

                      - Shepherds go the the manger - Luke 2:8-20

[——————-4000/4WI] - Jesus circumcised on 8th day and named - Luke 2:21

                    - Mary and Joseph go to Jerusalem to offer the firstborn sacrifice on the 40th day after birth - Luke 2:22-38, Lev. 12:2-8

                    - Joseph and Mary return to Bethlehem

                    - Visit of the wise me - Matt. 2:1-12

                    - Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt - Matt. 2:13-15

                    - Death of the children of Bethlehem - Matt. 2:16

[—————---4001/4AU] - Death of Herod the Great at age 70 from a horrible, lingering illness

                    - [-AD6] Archelaus reigned on the death of his father, Herod, in Judea, Samaria, and Idumea.

                    - [-AD39] Herod Antipas reigned in Galilee and Perea Matt. 14:1, Luke 23:7

                    - [-AD34] Herod Philip reigned in area north and east of the Sea of Galilee

[—————---4001/3WI] - Joseph, Mary and Jesus return from Egypt and live in Nazareth - Matt. 2:19-23, Acts 24:5


[——————4010/6AU] - Judea annexed as a Roman province

[———————-4011/8] - Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to Jerusalem for the passover - Luke 2:41-51

[——————--4015/12] - Tiberius given equal power with Augustus in all the provinces - Luke dates the 15 years of Tiberius "authority [literal]" from this date.

[—————-4017/14WI] - [-37]  Tiberius begins sole reign

[————---4018/15WI] - A Hebrew woman bound by Satan - Luke 13:1-16

[4060?/4018?15AD] - [-26]  Joseph Caiaphas appointed High Priest but Annas remained ex-officio High Priest

[—————-4022/19WI] - Daughter of Jairus was born and the woman begins suffering from an issue of blood- Luke 8:42-43, Mark 5:25, 42

[——————4029/26WI] - [-36] Pontius Pilate sent to Judea

[—————--4030/26AU] - John the Baptist begins to preach - Mark 1:1-8, Luke 3:1-17, Matt. 3:1-12, John 1:7-13

[4071/26 - 4030/27WI] - Christ's [about 30] Baptism - Luke 3:21-23, Matt. 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11

                 - Beginning of Daniel's 70th week Dan. 9:25 - Mauro

                 - Jesus tempted - Luke 4:1-14, Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13

                 - Andrew, Peter, Philip and Nathanael follow Jesus - John 1:35-51

                 - Marriage in Cana of Galilee - John 2:1-12

[See Note - 4033/30WI] - Public Ministry of Jesus Begins

                 - Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Passover - John 2:13 

                 - Beginning of Daniel's 70th week Dan. 9:25 - Ussher

                 - Jesus clears the Temple - John 2:14-25

                 - Talks with Nicodemus - John 3:1-21

[--—————4034/30AU] - Jesus leaves Jerusalem and goes into Judea - John 3:22

                  - Jesus' disciples baptize, John's disciples concerned - John 3:22-36

                  - Herod puts John in prison - Mark 6:17-20, Matt. 14:3-5

                  - Jesus leaves Judea and goes to Galilee through Samaria - John 1:1-44

                  - Jesus welcomed in Galilee - John 4:45, Luke 4:14-15, Mark 1:14-15

                  - Heals the nobleman's son - John 4:46-54

[—————-4034/31WI] - Does miracles in Capernaum but is rejected in Nazareth - Luke 4:16-30

                 - Lives in Capernaum and casts out an unclean spirit there - Luke 4:31-37, Mark 1:21-28, Matt. 4:13-17

                 - Heals Peter's mother-in-law and all who are brought to Him - Luke 4:38-41, Mark 1:29-34, Matt. 8:14-17

                 - Travels throughout Galilee - Luke 4:42-44, Mark 1:35-39, Matt. 4:23-25

                 - Teaches from a boat and disciples catch fish afterward - Luke 5:1-11, Mark 1:16-20, Matt. 4:18-22

                 - Heals a leper, cannot publicly enter the city - Luke 5:12-16, Mark 1:40-45, Matt. 8:1-4

                 - Returns to Capernaum, forgives the sin of the man let down through the roof - Luke 5:17-22, Mark 2:1-12, Matt. 9:1-8

                 - Jesus teaches by the shore, calls Matthew [Levi] and dines with him- Luke 5:27-39, Mark 2:13-22, Matt. 9:9-13

                 - Disciples pluck and eat grain on the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-5, Mark 2:23-28, Matt. 12:1-8

                 - Passover marking the second year of Daniel's 70th week - Ussher

                 - Jesus goes to Jerusalem, heals the man at the pool of Bethesda - John 5:1-47

                 - Heals man with withered hand, Pharisees plot with Herodians to kill Him, teaches multitudes who throng Him - Luke 6:6-11, Mark 3:1-12, Matt 12:9-21

                 - Jesus prays all night and then chooses the 12 - Luke 6:12-19, Mark 3:13-19

                 - So busy no time to eat - Marl 3:19-21

                 - Sermon on the Mount - Luke 6:20-49, Matt. 5:1-7:29

                 - Goes to Capernaum, heals centurion's servant - Luke 7:1-10, Matt. 8:5-13

                 - Raises dead man in Nain - Luke 7:11-17

                 - John's disciples ask if He is the Messiah - Luke 7:18-35, Matt. 11:2-30

                 - Woman washes Jesus' feet with her tears, women provide for Him - Luke 7:36-8:3

                 - Jesus accused of blasphemy and refuses to give any sign but that of Jonah - Mark 3:22-30, Matt. 12:22-45

                 - Jesus' mother and brothers want to speak to Him - Luke 8:19-21, Mark 3:31-35, Matt. 12:46-50

                 - Jesus teaches from a boat - Luke 8:4-18, Mark 4:1-34, Matt. 13:1-53

                 - Jesus calms the storm - Luke 8:22-26, Mark 4:35-41, Matt. 8:18-27

                 - Demon-possessed men of Gadarenes, asked to leave, returns to Capernaum - Luke 8:26-40, Mark 5:1-21, Matt. 8:28-34

                 - John's disciples ask why Jesus' disciples do not fast - Matt. 9:14-17

                 - Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood - Luke 8:41-56, Mark 5:22-42, Matt. 9:18-26

                 - Two blind men and a dumb man healed - Matt. 9:27-34

                 - General ministery, teaching and healing - Mark 6:1-6, Matt. 9:35-38, 13:54-58

                 - Jesus sends out disciples two-by-two - Luke 9:1-6, Mark 6:7-11, Matt. 10:1-11:30

[—————4035/32WI] - John the Baptist beheaded - Matt. 14:1-12, Mark 6:27-29, Luke 9:7-9

                - Disciples return - Luke 9:10, Mark 6:30

                - Feeding 5,000, Jesus walks on water, arrive at Gennesaret - Luke 9:10-17, Mark 6:31-56, Matt. 14:13-36, John 6:1-21 

                - Returns to Capernaum, many disciples leave - John 6:22-71

                - Third Passover during Christ's ministry - John 6:4 - beginning of 3rd year of Daniel's 70th week - Ussher

                - Pharisees find fault with Jesus' disciples - Mark 7:1-23, Matt. 15:1-20

                - Goes to Tyre and Sidon and heals Canaanite woman's daughter - Mark 7:24-30, Matt. 15:21-28

                - Goes to Sea of Galilee through Decapolis, heals a deaf man - Mark 7:31-37

                - Feeding of 4,000 - Matt. 15:29-38, Mark 8:1-9

                - Jesus sails over to Dalmanutha or Magdala - Mark 8:10, Matt. 15:39

                - Sign of Jonah given - Mark 8:11-14, Matt. 16:1-12

                - Heals a blind man at Bethsaida with spittle - Mark 8:22-26

                - Going through the towns of Caesarea Philippi Peter declares Jesus is the Christ - Luke 9:18-27, Mark 8:27-38, Matt. 16:13-28

                - Mount of Transfiguration, casting demon out of child - Luke 9:28-42, Mark 9:1-29, Matt. 17:1-21

                - Pass through Galilee to Capernaum, pays taxes, disciples argue about who is the greatest and how many times to forgive - Luke 9:43-48, Mark 9:30-37, Matt. 17:22-18:35

                - Disciples stop man from casting out demons in Jesus' name - Luke 9:49-50, Mark 9:38-50

[—————-4036/32AU] - Jesus goes to feast of tabernacles secretly, sends out 70 disciples - John 7:1-53, Luke 9:51-10:16

                  - Jesus teaches in the temple, woman taken in adultery - John 8:1-59

                  - Heals man born blind - John 9:1-10:21

                  - Seventy return, Samaritan parable - Luke 10:17-37

                  - Mary and Martha - Luke 10:38-42

[—————-4036/33WI] - Lord's Prayer, various teachings - Luke 11:1-13:9

                 - Heals woman bound by satan for 18 years - Luke 13:10-21

                 - Journey toward Jerusalem for feast of dedication, various teachings - Luke 13:22-17:10

                 - Healing 10 lepers - Luke 17:11-19

                 - Questioned by Pharisees - Luke 17:20-18:14

                 - Crowd wants to stone Him during feast of dedication - John 10:22-39

                 - Goes beyond the Jordan River and teaches - John 10:40-42, Mark 10:1-16, Matt. 19:1-20:16

                 - Death/Resurrection of Lazarus - John 11:1-46

                 - Caiaphas prophesies about Jesus dying for the nation, Jesus goes to the town of Ephraim - John11:47-54

                 - James and John want to sit beside Jesus in the Kingdom - Luke 18:31-34, Mark 10:32-45, Matt. 20:17-28

                 - Heals blind man going to Jericho, Zacchaeus, heals 2 blind men leaving Jericho - Luke 18:35-19:10, Mark 10:46-52, Matt. 20:29-34

                 - Nearing Jerusalem - Luke 19:11-27, John 11:55-57

[6 days before Passover] - Jesus goes to Bethany - John 12:1-11

                 - Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt, predicts Jerusalem's destruction, cleanses the temple - Luke 19:28-48, Mark 11:1-11, Matt. 21:1-16, John  12:12-19

[Next morning] - Curses fig tree - Mark 11:12-19, Matt. 21:18-19

                 - Fig tree withers, teaches in the temple, parables, tested by Sadducees and Pharisees, woes, widow's mite, predicts temple's destruction - Luke 10:1-38, Mark 11:13-13:37, Matt. 21:19-26:5

                 - Woman anoints Jesus, Judas agrees to betray Jesus - Mark 14:3-11, Matt. 26:6-16, Luke 22:1-13

                 - Fourth Passover of Christ's ministry time, beginning of the 4th year of Daniel's 70th week - Ussher - 1 Cor. 5:7, Dan. 9:27

[1st day of Unleavened Bread] - Disciples prepare Passover supper - Mark 14:12-16, Matt. 26:17-19

                 - Last Supper - Luke 22:14-38, Mark 14:17-26, Matt. 26:20-30, John 13:2-17:26

[4075/0030——————-] - Arrest, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ [Fulfillment of Dan. 9:24] - John 18:1-21:25, Luke 22:39-24:53, Mark 14:27-16:20, Matt.26:31-28:20, Acts 1:1-11 

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