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New Testament Survey

New Testament Survey gives an overview of each book in the New Testament. Context is vital in correctly understanding and applying the Word of God. With this course you will not only gain in your understanding of each book of the New Testament, but also you will have a more solid knowledge of the New Testament as a whole.

God's Word To You Promo 2

This New Testament Survey course was developed by Rev. LeRoy Davis, and has been used to train students in various countries over the years. As you look at each book you will discover the author, the theme, key verses, main characters, outlines and more. Feed Yourself Students will also find assignment directions which will help them practice their Bible study techniques and get the most out of this course.

Each link below will take you to one lesson.  We highly recommend you do each lesson in order; however, the lessons are marked in case you want to study a specific book.  The suggested donation for this course is $10.

You may view the first lesson, but the rest of the lessons will require a password which you will receive when you register below.  If you do not receive your password email within an hour, please check your spam/junk mail.  

Registration:  New Testament Survey

New Testament Survey Lessons

Lesson One - Introduction

Lesson Two - Matthew

Lesson Three - Mark

Lesson Four - Luke

Lesson Five - John

Lesson Six - Acts

Lesson Seven - Introduction To Pauline Epistles and Romans

Lesson Eight  - I Corinthians

Lesson Nine - II Corinthians

Lesson Ten - Galatians

Lesson Eleven - Philippians

Lesson Twelve - Ephesians/Colossians

Lesson Thirteen - I & II Thessalonians

Lesson Fourteen - I & II Timothy

Lesson Fifteen - Titus/Philemon

Lesson Sixteen - Hebrews

Lesson Seventeen - James

Lesson Eighteen - I & II Peter

Lesson Nineteen - I & II John

Lesson Twenty - III John & Jude

Lesson Twenty-One - Revelation

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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