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Textbooks Required For Joshua Institute Courses
Below is a list of textbooks for the courses of the Joshua Institute. Most of them are available in inexpensive Kindle versions [perhaps other electronic versions as well]. With an electronic version you can begin your course right away instead of having to wait for shipping. The exception is The Institutes Of Biblical Law which is only available in print. [It may be less expensive to purchase it from the publisher - link also provided - than from Amazon.] You are, of course, welcome to purchase these textbooks from any source you like. If you purchase them from Amazon on this page, I will make a commission.
E-Mail Courses Needed For The Completion Of Specific Joshua Institute Courses
Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future]. Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email. Thank you. Glenn
Is the Bible hate literature? Some countries are poised to attack the Scripture as promoting hatred toward identifiable groups. Are their accusations true?
A correct understanding of how to approach the Scriptures will open a Bible gateway of understanding, shedding light on otherwise confusing statements and stories.
The principles of interrupting Biblical types and shadows are foundational to a correct interruption. Knowing what to look for will keep us on the Rock.